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Malay is spoken throughout Malaysia and Indonesia. It belongs to the Austronesian language family wide, is one of the most widespread language families in the world with more than 1,200 different languages. For centuries Malay serve as a common language across countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, that could lead to effective communication within the business, talking to her today to 33 million inhabitants. Among speakers can include you too, if you learn the language through our Malaysian compiler. Has several distinct dialects Bahasa Indonesia, Malay bazaar and its version Baba Malay, a language spoken by the Chinese community.
The oldest known written texts written in Malay stems from the 7th century. Current Malay has its origins in the "old Malay ', which originated around the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. When the territory of the Malay Peninsula in the 13th century spread Islam and Malay gained greater opportunity to expand and at the same time as more power. Therefore, it is worth it to learn through our Malaysian text translator.
Over the centuries, the Malay writing down different paper systems (alphabets). For example, the introduction of Islam began to also use Arabic script known as Jawi. Later, in the 17th century, when the inhabitants of Malaysia met in European traders, created a font called Rumi. It is now official letters that state. It also uses our Malay dictionary. In recent years there have been efforts to revive the language Jawi, but the latter, already fully naturalized.
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Select the languages that you want the translator to work with. Type or paste your text into the upper box and click "translate". The bottom box will immediately show your requested translation which you can then select, copy, and use for your needs. Translator.eu can translate up to 1000 characters of text (medium long text) at a time. If you want to translate a longer text, you will need to divide the translation into several parts. To achieve the highest possible quality of translation, make sure that the text is grammatically correct. Slang expressions, just like texts written in a colloquial language, are generally a problem for online translators. Please don't forget to evaluate the result of your translation, or write your own translation if you think that the translated text is wrong.